Ongoing sporadic journal of the overeducated, and underemployed. The title derived from Coupland’s description of cubicle land; the corporate ghetto. Random photos and thoughts. Left the ghetto, never happier. This still a work in progress

31 December 2017

Mary Magdalene a holy whore-31.12.17

in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.
: whore; 
working girl, lady of the evening, streetwalker, member of the oldest profession, moll, fille de joie, escort, courtesan, hustler;  wench
Mary Magdalene 
whored for God 
Mata Hari 
whored for country
Maya Angelou
whored for money
we all whore ourselves
holy: dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred.

29 December 2017

dark voyeur in white
Voyeur: a word for a Peeping Tom, someone who likes to watch people who are engaging in private activities 
morning light
bathes her tan body
she wakes
white car outside
I know the voyeur 
the sun 
intolerably bright
dark voyeur watches outside
some strange 
keeping us
in bed
fear is a potent aphrodisiac
sacred and profane truths 
in bed will cherish your tears

1. mystics a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.

sensual salvation
I spot
the voyeur 
waits anxiously
checking scope
her shot 
 I was redeemed
 in pain
ln joy
she can shot
I am 
revelations the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world.


in the 
morning light

27 December 2017

the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.
disorientating beauty
disorientation. : a usually transient state of confusion especially as to time, place, or identity often as a result of disease or drugs


blackout. : a transient dulling or loss of vision, consciousness, or memory. an alcoholic blackout



22 December 2017

sleepwalk -22.12.17
grey day
melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
a voice
I woke too
slept too
the woman who tasted
passion unbound
archetype: According to Jungian psychology and to many folklorists, 'archetypes' are common and universal motifs, found in human cultures, literature, folklore etc. '
beauty and the beast
Beauty and the Beast' also contains several archetypes, some comple and some
simple and primordial.
burning breakfast
Jackson Pollack’s blessing
burning  love
wordlessly then walk away
in silence
just pretending strangers
Walking out of St Stan in the village. I hear a heavily accented voice saying, “What are you doing you doing?”
Praying to a god I no longer believe dispatched. What do you want?” I answer turning. I see the steroid damage, that is “the German.”
“You have no respect Junkie trash like your DEAD WHORE GIRL!” The German screams voice full of rage bravado laving his overdeveloped arms I notice his range of motion is limited, but if he connects I am going down fast. I am 140# ‘5 11 he is 6’ 3” 260# some strange Aryan SS soldier-enforcer who lives at the gym.
As fast as I can I pull my Fairbairn Sykes boot dagger I have it to his throat. I draw a trickle of blood; being overconfident can be fatal on these streets
I growl “Kraut, why did Marquis send you? ”
“Your girl owes him money” all the menace bravado have evaporated. I growl “You don't come south of alphabet city and tell Marquis I will send you back in pieces then, I go after him.” go East of 1st avenue, I don’t want to hurt you but, if that’s the way God planned you. I will kill you, and put pennies on your eyes I laugh, and his face goes pale. His eyes water I see various people watching in the shadows Jill died a week ago. I am ready to join her. I drop my hand to his sweatpants at the crotch of his sweatpants cutting in. “RUN cunt RUN! The German lumbers, as the car pulls away off like a stoned bear towards a new Caddy I see a bemused Black man. Marquis stands out in this borough. I just made a dangerous enemy
The balance of power is changing, The desolation Angels may not be lucid, but they can see. and the story is already spreading. I don’t anyone anything. I have dispatched the monster, and I am now the monster; you cannot kill what is already dead. This far from over; I live or die on these streets. Either way, works for me.

18 December 2017

waiting on the man 
Strange days
Soul dancing
Love, I know you 
passions a funny thing
zippo lights a cigarette in the light rain 

Trump Denies ‘Rumor on the Hill’ of Plan to Fire Mueller

Otherworldly beauty
temple dancers
Speaking in tongues
she’s with me
erotic prophecies’ 
Is this cunt ever on time
The number of deadly heroin overdoses in the United States more than quadrupled from 2010 to 2015
pain is coming 
crown of thorns
to match my stigmata
black on black sedan 
sacrifice to the man
dead  presidents
sacred powders
take my hand 
I will take you home
ritual begins
non-linear process -Of or relating to a system of equations whose effects are not proportional to their causes. Such a set of equations can be chaotic
bad habits
celestial insights 
rituals of need, desire
Holy communion
new worlds 
parallel dimensions
Shaman - a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual, and practice divination and healing.
I am Shaman 

14 December 2017

Cowboy up-13.12.17
seeking enlightenment 
enlightenment -the action or state of attaining or having attained spiritual knowledge or insight, in particular (in Buddhism) that awareness which frees a person from the cycle of rebirth.
hard fast beat
drink icy cold
platinum  blonde 
silver tongue stud 
white hot
raspy whisper
Cowboy up
cowboy up 1)  is derived from rodeo, and is the phrase used to tell a participant to mount a bull or a horse depending on the event.2) Cowgirl pick up line
mystics contemplate
Mystic a- person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.
seeking salvation 
pale blue eyes
this is what we do for love
cowboy up!

12 December 2017

Jerusalem bursts into riots
Angeles dancing in a circle
carrying the Holy Grail
cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, and in which Joseph of Arimathea received Christ's blood at the Cross
A bomb explodes

Angels descend underground
Partisans steeped in
await  visions
California an inferno
All splattered
all Devices
Pedophiles rally in Alabama

it’s the most wonderful time of the year
visions of panic on the Minnesota  strip
The Minnesota Strip is an archaic name for an area in Manhattan comprising Eighth Avenue between 42nd Street and 57th Street

ponces prosty’s  running
Penn station trains  stop  running
an exec  cruses a Algerian  cabbie
an EMT  carries  the wounded  suspect
missing birth of his child
Soulless  men try for Armageddon 
Angels dance on pinheads 
drinking deeply  from the chalice
letting flow through my veins 
to the centre of me soul
explosions of joy
waking me conscious

11 December 2017

Lady .09.12.17
a child wishes on a star
Our Lady of passions
priest says mass 
too many to count  
a prisoner dreams of  mercy
strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual belief rather
 than proof
Lady of desire
a Buddhist  monk chants
lust unbound
Our Lady sorrows
pensioner buys a lottery ticket
some begged s
some stolen
some borrowed
depression is a serious mood disorder
give me your 
your blues
rain your passions
reign your love
on me 
let the ritual
lay across the satin altar
Mother Mary
pray for us sinners
now and 
the hour of our death

06 December 2017

Whore of Babylon  

 She, says, there’s nothing in fridge other, than mixers, cigarettes and forgotten Chinese food. judging by the cups you go to Anthora cups that’s where your coffee comes from.”
I am trying to wake up to answer, “Love it’s no bad you got lucky last night,” watching her climb back into her clothes.
    No, you got lucky, I have to walk to the station take the D-train. on a Sunday. I am wearing last nights dress, no hose the fishnets are trashed, sky-high heels. Mothers will cover their kid's eyes, saying “Don’t  look it's the Whore of Babylon! When  I  get to king’s station in about an hour. The guy on the stoop, making lewd comments.
    “Love we  can get you there on me bike remember, guidos not a problem?” I offer, pulling on jeans.
    You’re sweet, No offence, you in Bensonhurst not good it’s my own fault, and I am ready for it. she  places her cards on the stereo, and says,” call me‘

05 December 2017

Voodoo 01.12.17
eyeing the shape of something wild
what’s your name
dark voyeur
Texas Book Depository
loving this
Dealey Plaza
dark voyeur adjusts sights
loving you
target  acquisition
window of opportunity
lets bounce
whisper to a scream
feeding the hunger
I can do that
hitting me
seen you in visions
lazy smoke swirling around us
I know you’re  a sorceress
a bullet magically ricochets
sweat of lovers
musky scented air
lost in this moment
Blood-splattered limo
smell of fear death
dark arts
come to fruitarian
loss of  innocence

voodoo that is

01 December 2017

joy and love-30.11.17
do I have to
SE1 London young man waits for red curry
this isn’t a seduction
I am not hitting on you
the man reads tweets
I am talking
you’re beautiful
London the young man forwards tweets insults of Islam
I already know how
would  feel
the young man asks his
cousin  to show them
the Oman
I am just talking
sharing wine
Pakistan his cousin sees
his brother
wearing a Lionel Messi jersey
stops to play
I am talking about
a wee bit of
he scores  screams
a wee bit of
remembering his errand a then sees
hazel eyes staring
he forgets his errand
not trying
change your mind
forgets the errand
once again
joy and love
death and despair

28 November 2017

name 23.11.17
I call
her NAME
who is she
her being
her consciousness
a grey dove
a jaguar  backfires
summoning  troops
smiling babies
the name
she gives out
at parties   thrown by mutant poodles
at clubs
on streets
a dove carrying an olive  branch
shot by a man in a MAGA cap
her NAME
screaming abra cadabra
she goes down on me
changing who she is
who  I am
a black swan takes flight
she wants
my name
but I have
I am a work in
I have no
I am just passing through