Ongoing sporadic journal of the overeducated, and underemployed. The title derived from Coupland’s description of cubicle land; the corporate ghetto. Random photos and thoughts. Left the ghetto, never happier. This still a work in progress

11 April 2018

Corporate coffee
Saturday morning, I need caffeine a throbbing hangover, the grinder too bloody loud. I wait the man behind am in line for a large black coffee, behind people buying caffeinated milkshakes. The man behind is too close. I throw an elbow to make a point. He gasps and mutters something indistinct, then says,” an excuse me would be nice”
“Not breathing your bad breath on my neck would be nice. I wait for coffee anything, that would not put a diabetic in a sugar coma throws them.
    Finally, I walk to the bar for napkins. He’s there I see a shoulder holster. it’s not tied down., he’s not a cop and he’s not good at this. 
    I look at him and say, “An exposed loaded weapon is a threat on my life, so   take you and your ass breathe away” please, cracker take it and yourself  out.”
“”Open carry has been legal in Texas since January 2016, what are you going do about it, Frankenstein?” I am calm he’s late 40’s  39 pounds overweight, no muscle tone. A MAGA cap , I pop  the lid off the coffee , and say,” Remember  I asked nicely the first time ” at the same time I bring my coffee around  fast splashing in his face he crumples  screams in pain I look at the barista and say I lost my balance, a wet towel call EMT’s “I hear the barista telling crew he stumbled, I am home free, I hate corporate coffee.

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