Ongoing sporadic journal of the overeducated, and underemployed. The title derived from Coupland’s description of cubicle land; the corporate ghetto. Random photos and thoughts. Left the ghetto, never happier. This still a work in progress

11 May 2018

The souk10.05.18


souk. : a marketplace in northern Africa or the Middle East

In search of opium
.45 ammos
against the  wall
a  beauty
her  gaze
haunts me
smoking  the opium
did she
exist at all
the next days
tourist haunts
putting word out
garçon avez-vous vu la jeune fille touristique je leur ai demandé ?
une récompense un carton de Marlboro rouge
like an opium dream
Opium:a reddish-brown heavy-scented addictive drug prepared from the juice of the opium poppy, used as a narcotic

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