vealpen xIn India walking barefoot and a digital camera. This is a place of lovely extremes a culture which predates my western frame reference. A land that defeated Alexander the great. Women in saris and Jimmy Choo pumps. mokeys, cobras and sky scrapers I walk with scared cows and drink tea. Silk, Gold and state of the art technology suddenly I am working for the Raj. I am inlove with the stark beauty,the beauty and horror. I actually discuss spirtuality with a hidu priest who very interested in whether Labour can defeat the Tories,after Bair jumping in bed with Bush In am constantly amazed and wander every where looking at everything asking edless questions. I am constantly running into the past and future at once. I am amazed how this changing me,aded euro-trash, ecause lets face it a club,in Berlin isn't very different from one in London , L.A. or in this case Bangalore. Its the motorshaw rides te driver who proudly waits for me without complaint .