Ongoing sporadic journal of the overeducated, and underemployed. The title derived from Coupland’s description of cubicle land; the corporate ghetto. Random photos and thoughts. Left the ghetto, never happier. This still a work in progress

19 March 2008

5 year's later
Iraq still rages our pastor and chief and, the corporate thug co-fuhrer, declare success?!? Cheney being told a majority of Americans disagree , answers"so""
How about a little democracy  in the U.S.A. ? 20,000 wounded 4,000 dead American soldiers and Iraq civilians in the hundred of thousands  apparently not human so not counted by occupying forces.
      Mean while Obama gives a speech on the elephants in the room , race and religion. Very literate,such a contrast to the Bubba in chief.I find it insightful, and articulate.
     I work for a major finical institute, and I am Caucasian, and male. It seems after much travel,t seems there is nothing else in this country except "us  v.them" and you are  guilty by association.I am the "man" not so much because I am management but by the colour of my skin.
  Obama is correct a more perfect union is needed 

03.08-a crack in time
Just a little sting then a warm feeling
Count back from a 100
9o, 89
Morphine glides
To the
Junk centre
In my brain
You take my hand
I am waiting
You say
Tapping your high heeled toe
83, 82
and you kiss me
81, 80
And we are possessed
When awake you are gone
It is only a stolen moment- a crack in time
I return the lights too bright
You stay
Beautiful and faraway

17 March 2008

It's been forever 60+ an hour weeks are taking the toll. Obama inspires me, and Hillary looks more like McCain each day. Stocks go ape shit and I wonder if I'll have depression stories to tell. I am off tothe veal pen.