Ongoing sporadic journal of the overeducated, and underemployed. The title derived from Coupland’s description of cubicle land; the corporate ghetto. Random photos and thoughts. Left the ghetto, never happier. This still a work in progress

19 May 2009

H 15.05.09

You told me you been here before

You screamed and laughed as the engine revved and roared

I opened the throttle as you leaned into the night.

Now you look so lost

I thought you’d been here before

08 May 2009

Rome 2 Millenniums’ later

I think we put off Rome, because after all it's history is a foundation of western civilisation. I had seen it in Fellini films and history books so often I didn't feel the need to actually see it. I could have not been more mistaken. The difference between seeing smelling and hearing it. Is the difference between kissing your lover and getting a text from her. Rome is an adventure being assailed by beauty and history at every turn.

Ghosts of the failed empire

It’s amazing to watch Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter ranting in the parapets of a failed empire. They feel to realise an era has closed, and the pastor in chief W redeemed the legacy’s of Ulysses Grant’s and Richard Nixon, He holds the special title for incompetence and corruption.
Still it takes really big brass balls to hope that, there is a depression and an attack on U. S. Soil just to justify the crimes and abuses for the last eight years