Ongoing sporadic journal of the overeducated, and underemployed. The title derived from Coupland’s description of cubicle land; the corporate ghetto. Random photos and thoughts. Left the ghetto, never happier. This still a work in progress

29 August 2023


Mermaid pussy

In Octopus’ Garden

Speaking in tongues




Flying high

Flying low

Pink spider’s

Red bunnies

Fallen angels

Salty kisses

Surfing in Cornwall

Abstract:1. : a summary of points presented in skeletal form: something that summarizes or concentrates the essentials of a larger thing  2)When someone thinks out of the box 3) art that uses visual language of shape, form, colour, and line to create a work of art without being bound to concrete images of the world


21 August 2023


wispy clouds blue skies

sussing you're not talking

look for me  I'm here

20 August 2023


careful this is a murder scene

emotion sickness

carnal carnival

This  conversation is classified

screaming in tongues





the cure for pain

Cure :relieve of the symptoms of a disease or condition.

"he was cured of the disease" 2)Acronym of 'cherishee



Sunday -20.08.23

love mermaids gone wild

double stuff rendezvous date

. vampyric lust love

10 August 2023

Always running yellow light-10.08.23

Forget us our trespasses

As we  forget those who trespass against us


to be here



Spinning around

Mercedes convertible

Tri  Delt  sticker

Couldn’t stay together

Couldn’t  be apart

Strung out on us

Down shift pop the clutch

Yellow light: , you should stop, if you can do so safely. If you can't stop, proceed with caution.

Run the  yellow light


05 August 2023

 My kind-05.08.23

‘paranoia, angels, true love(as seen on TV)

Feral  mermaid swims away

Deadly love letters(yellowing (like hepatitis)

Vinyl plays

Cowgirl rode me( wearing me crown of thorns)

Let it happen

Light house (everything looks better by moonlight)

I see.

into the dark

running down

This was nothing

Mona Lisa thighs

Yoga limber



Long red fingernails   claw my back

Little deaths spontaneous  combustion

Kind: quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.2) People or things having similar characteristics.

She’s my kind