Ongoing sporadic journal of the overeducated, and underemployed. The title derived from Coupland’s description of cubicle land; the corporate ghetto. Random photos and thoughts. Left the ghetto, never happier. This still a work in progress

14 February 2009

bipartisanship- wake-up and smell the rancid treachery

bi-partisan ship is a trap President Obama,  these soulless  worshippers' of death and free markets seek to undermine you turn if it  cost's the economy going into a deep depression. They' re ideologues in truest sense. They have seen the light and heard the voices. Drop them like a bad habit ,they will never work with you, They do not care what the cost may be  the economic  viablity of the country itself. 

11 February 2009

really orwellian

I am watching a nearly a trillion being spent, with reports of of trillions of bad paper left. The people whoare charged with fixing are those who created this fiasco.
It's rather like in Animal Farm in the beginning when consensus was the pigs are smart,maybe they should be in charge.

06 February 2009

the veal pen blues

May ex manager informs us tat it is inappropriate to be brassed  off about being passed over for promotion. How very maginamous of her to dictate what we should feel, as she supports the under qualified  in their rise over me. My mentor will give me lip service and tut tut . I hate the white collar ghetto. 

bail-out follies

I am watching millionaire's argue that other millionaires' should no have to live on a mere 500k ayear did the captain of the Titanic, or Valdez get a bonus? Pete Sessions Dallas TX GOP says the republican party should mount an insurgency "Taliban " Style" form a jihad against Obama  by all means cover your ass as the economy tanks.  Keep praying to the  God of free markets