Ongoing sporadic journal of the overeducated, and underemployed. The title derived from Coupland’s description of cubicle land; the corporate ghetto. Random photos and thoughts. Left the ghetto, never happier. This still a work in progress

09 December 2023

 Kiss-9.12.23Mermaid remix

You close your eyes and fall into me ravenous embrace

Eyes closed complete


You put my hand on your breast

I feel your nipple stiffen

Your scent fills my head the heat of  your body warms me being

your heart races under me bed

Nothing else matters

This kiss

My love

My world

This all we have

Kiss: when couples  kiss, gently entwining their tongues with one another, there is an increase in the production of oxytocin, which is a hormone associated with building bonds with someone special 2) a sign of affection, respect.

A  kiss


You close your eyes and fall into my savage embrace

Eyes closed complete


You put my hand on your breast

I feel your nipple stiffen

Your scent fills my head the heat of  your body warms my being

your heart races under my hand

Nothing else matters

This kiss

My love

My world

This all we have

Kiss: when couples  kiss, gently entwining their tongues with one another, there is an increase in the production of oxytocin, which is a hormone associated with building bonds with someone special 2) a sign of affection, respect.


A  kiss 

06 December 2023


No pretence no shame

Like sushi raw delicious

I am ravenous

01 December 2023

 Broken angel-1.12.23

Found her on the sea bottom of   the desert

an hour out from Notre dame DE Afrique( or was it Joshua tree?)

She ultimately found life 

without any spiritual solace unendurable

She was looking for that ecstatic space

I knew the way

Next day under my coffee mug

I am killer

I am clown

My shots are final

I knew that when I laid down

My crown of thorns hanging 

From the sights of a C8 carbine 

Needing a fix


to the desert

to meet


Broken : having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order 2)Something/Someone that is so good in a particular context that it eclipses second place 3) wonky or conked out

broken angel

she would save my soul  tonight

if I had one