Ongoing sporadic journal of the overeducated, and underemployed. The title derived from Coupland’s description of cubicle land; the corporate ghetto. Random photos and thoughts. Left the ghetto, never happier. This still a work in progress

11 December 2010

what a year the tea party the rise of the snow billy AKA Sarah Palin the end of decade nears. I am
where I started veal pen X, still over educated under employed amazed that Devry school rejects barely literate. They don't understand the metrics they are charged with. I see an endless parade of self congratulation, and cake parties. What will we remember "911 the only president to make Nixonook honest , and Grant competent? Endless war , Lady Gaga,the dawn of electric vehicles?
I will remember my friends. Everythingelse is so much white noise

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